Kid's Questions 1.Do fish sleep?, 2. Why is Grass Green?, 3. Why Do Turtles and Tortoises Live So Long?, 4. Do birds have tongue?, 5. What is April fools' Day?, 6.Why do elephant have big ears?, 7. Is Santa Clause real?, 8. Why is Blood Red?

Kid's Questions

1. Do fish sleep?

Yes fish do sleep, and they sleep with their eyes open! They go into a daydream (or night-dream) mode when they are resting. Unlike humans, who have a regular sleep pattern, fish can take a nap anytime they want. (day or night).

Of course they have to keep moving their fins during their nap-time, but that minimal movement is just to maintain their position in the water. Generally, fish move their fins even when asleep because they need to have water moving constantly through their gills to maintain the require amount of oxygen.

Some fish species have obvious sleep-like characteristics than others. For example, goldfish in a fish-tank will seem to be in a trance, hovering towards the bottom of the tank when you take a peek at them in the middle of the night. Fish which belong to the coral reef are active in the day, hide and rest in crevices and cracks in the reef to avoid being eaten at night. The parrot fish secretes a “sleeping bag” made of a jelly like substance around themselves before they doze off.

2. Why is Grass Green?

Firstly grass is green because plants use light from the sun to make food. This is called photosynthesis and uses a chemical called chlorophyll that looks green. It stores light from the sun and transfers the energy into chemical Photosynthesis that eventually produce sugar.

Photosynthesis can be written like this:

Water + Carbon Dioxide -- Light -> Oxygen + Sugar

If you just mix lot of water and carbon dioxide together nothing would happen - we would have a sugar falling from the sky! But chlorophyll helps the reaction, giving us oxygen to breadth and energy from sugar. That is why plants are so important – without them  we wouldn’t be able to breathe or have anything to eat.
So, grass is green because it is filled with chlorophyll not chloroform that is a green pigment that reflects green light from the sun and absorbs the other colors. Yeah, right, if you believe that one, you’re pretty green yourself.. 

3. Why Do Turtles and Tortoises Live So Long?

Turtles and tortoises have been on planet Earth even before the dinosaurs. They are that old. The difference between a turtle and tortoise is that the turtle stay in water while the tortoise stays on land. But both creatures have one thing in common: they live to a ripe old age, from 120 years to almost 200 years!

Some of them are hugs, like the  giant tortoises of the Galapagos    Island - they weight beyond 200kg;  their shells are more than a meter  long. The beauty is that they hatch  from eggs that are no bigger than a  hens!

They manage to live so long because  the important parts of their bodies do  not become weak with age, as in the  case of humans and birds. In fact,  they continue to grow very, very slowly for as long as they live. Their body do not need much energy to survive. They can live for long period without water or food.
Turtles and tortoises face other risks to their life. After birth, their shells take some months to become hard. Till then, they are an easy prey for birds and fish. The other risk to their life comes from pollution of their living environment.

4. Do birds have tongue?

They mostly don’t use it the same way as we do, birds do indeed have tongues! The biggest difference between a bird’s tongue and your own is that most birds have bones in their tongues, meaning the tongue is less flexible but much tougher.

For example, woodpeckers have very long tongues with points on the end that help them stab and catch the bugs they eat! A penguin’s tongue, on the other hand, has prickly barbs that help it to swallow fish. Birds who consume lots of liquids like nectar also sometimes have tube – shaped tongues help the birds slurp up a delicious meal!
Bird tongues can be of different colors like pink, brown, and even black. If you seen a bird say “Aahh,” try to get a peek inside its mouth and see what you notice!

5. What is April fools' Day?

In many countries around the world, the first day of April is knows as April Fools' Day, or All Fools' Day. Just like its name implies, April Fools' is a day when people often try to pull practical jokes on one another!

There are lot of ideas about when and why April 1st may have become a day for practical jokes. Some people say, for example, that it has to do with changes made to the calendar about 400 years ago, in the year 1582. 
Prior to the "new" calendar, many people had observed New Year's Day on April 1st. When changes were made to have January 1st as New Year's, those who still tried to celebrate it in April were knows as "April Fools"! In this explanation, the tradition to play jokes on April 1st probably came from teasing people for celebrating the "wrong" New Year's!

Many people think April Fools' is a very fun day to be silly and joke around. Playing little jokes can be pretty amusing, as long as you remember to make sure none of your jokes will embarrass, hurt, or scare anyone!  

6.Why do elephant have big ears?

Have you ever noticed how big an elephant's ears are? They're like giant flaps! Elephants' big floppy ears usually measure about 22 square feet in size, -Wow! Although you might think they use these giant ears for better hearing, elephants actually use their big ears for cooling down when it's hot!

Because elephants are so big and generally live in hot places like Africa or India, they need a little help when it comes to cooling off. Elephant ears are full of veins, the little Passageways in the body that are responsible for moving blood around. By flapping their wet ears, the many veins in their ears are cooled, and so is the blood inside those veins! The cooled blood then travels all around the elephant, and can help lower the elephant's body temperature by as much as almost 10 degrees Fahrenheit! That might not sound like a lot, but when it comes to body temperature it's actually a pretty COOL amount!

7. Is Santa Clause real?

Lot of people - both kids and grown - ups - have wondered if Santa Claus is real. Is it actually possible that one man could shimmy down so many chimneys in one night and bring presents to boys and girls all over the world?

Because some people find this hard to believed, you might hear people say that Santa isn't real, and for some people he might not be - perhaps because they practice another religion or maybe because they just don't believe that miracles are possible. But even though some people might be doubtful, many others know in their hearts that Christmas is magical and Santa is real!

Lost of very amazing things that happen in the world are hard to explain and wondrous feats happen to people every day! - It's up to every individual to decide for themselves if they believe or not.

8. Why is Blood Red?

Blood cells are red because they contain hemoglobin. Blood cells get their red color when hemoglobin passes through the lungs where it is exposed to oxygen.

hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. The protein in hemoglobin is full of iron: Iron is the power that enables hemoglobin to move oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues and cells of the body.

Iron is also, more precisely, the reason blood is red. When oxygen attaches to iron, it becomes iron oxide, which, just like rust, causes the red color of blood.

However, the job of hemoglobin does not stop with the release of oxygen. Empty hemoglobin cells then begin their second job: Removing carbon dioxide and gas waste products from the body.

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